
Friday, February 17, 2012


I recently read an article about a mom who said that when she became a parent she became the biggest liar she ever met, and I have to say I concur.  I have no problem telling my children that a certain toy or electronic is out of batteries and we have no replacements. That the place they want to go to is closed for the day even though its prime hours, that we are all out of cookies so they wont spoil their dinner, or that the tooth fairy didn't come either because their room wasn't clean or they went to bed too late.  (actually that one might be true) My personal favorite is that if they play that game too long the screen is going to burn up so they need to shut it off and let it cool down.
I find myself telling lots of little white lies to get through the days without a meltdown from one child or another, and while a small portion of me is concerned about all this dishonesty its only a small part  and my sanity thanks me.  Now don't get me wrong I do not spend my days lying to my children.  I usually try to explain things honestly and logically wiht only one or two lies to avoid meltdown mode.  So in the spirit of dishonesty I have to go clean that bathroom and when I say clean the bathroom I really mean read my book.

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