For preschool I had the letter "R". So much easier than "Q" I thought it would be a great idea to do rockets. what little boy doesn't love rockets? My mom has this awesome rocket launcher she made for her school kids so I went on a hunt for the rocket launchers. No lunch at moms she had loaned it out to one of my siblings. I called all of the likely suspects no one had it. It was the night before my lesson and no launcher. I called my brother, he didn't have my moms but he made one of his own I could use if I could find it. (He wasn't home so I had to dig around.) No luck. Oh well I'll have to come up with something else. Last minute scrambling I came up with a paper rocket they could use a straw to make blast off by blowing in the straw. Sadly there were no straws to be found in my house. I m grateful that my kids like to do crafts and create but I hate when they use all my supplies. I often find my self running to the store for supplies that I was sure I had on hand only to find they have been used by one of my very crafty kids.
sigh So I made straws with paper and duct tape. What would we do without duct tape? One thing I did have planned was the rocket boosters (really jet packs but Peter calls them rocket boosters so we made it work.) The kids loved them, although I think Peter loved them the most. Days after he was still wearing his rocket boosters and "flying" all over the house. He even found Williams old astronaut costume and put that on to make it official. This was such as easy project and so well loved I should have done this long ago. All it cost was the silver spray paint, so for $3 I made 10 jet packs. Start with 2, 2-liter soda bottles. cut up some cardboard in a square large enough to glue the bottles to but small enough for them to not be seen. Spray everything silver and then I used duct tape for the straps. 2 strips of duct tape one strip 4-5 inches longer than the other. I taped the 2 pieces of duct tape sticky sides together leaving 2-3 inches of sticky side open to attach to the cardboard and voila.
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