
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bucket list

I just finished reading about this girl who had a sort of bucket list.  It got me to thinking that I haven't updated my personal bucket list in a long time.  I had written one when I was in high school and as I pulled it out I noticed I have crossed off many things on it.  The good thing about a bucket list is that you can add and cross off anytime you want.  So as of today here is my updated bucket list.  The more I think about it the more things I will probably add.  If any of you can help me cross off any items on my list I would be extremely grateful.  These can be crossed of in any order
1. Drive through a closed gate with a car (just like in the movies.  this has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember.)
2. learn a new instrument
3. try surfing
4. learn a new language
5. take a great family photo
6. travel to Europe and or Greece
7. travel to Fuji
8.  Go on a service mission or humanitarian project.
9. go parasailing
10. learn to sail
11. Go on a no kids vacation
12.  see some of the 7 wonders of the world.
13 fly in a small aircraft like a Helicopter or biplane
14. see the Northern Lights
15. Take a small engine repair class
16. fly paper lanterns like in the movie Tangled.
17. learn how to airbrush

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Drive through a closed gate. Love that one. I also would like to fly in a helicopter.



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