
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Chivalry is not dead.  Today I went grocery shopping with my little guys.  They behaved pretty well, it might have been the ice cream I bought them or I just caught them on a good day.  We went to check out when Brennen offered to help put the groceries on the counter for me.  Once the cart was unloaded I went for my purse when Brennen gently pushed me a side and said "Don't worry mom, I got this."  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his dollar he so courageously earned 2 days before.
So Cute!!!
I took a mental snap shot of this sweet moment then had to explain that his dollar was not going to be enough for all these groceries but thanks anyway.  The cashier (a man in his twenties)  was awed at the whole scene.  He said "Wow such a gentleman!"  maybe I'm doing something right.  I play that scene over and over again in my head and can't help but think how cute he was with his kind serious manner. . . .Don't worry mom, I got this.

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