
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pre school

I am in a joy school group where I teach preschool a few times a year at my house.  My time had come up again with the letter Q.  Could I get a more difficult letter to teach 3-4year olds?  I guess its easy to draw but I had a hard tome coming up with things that 8 four year old boys would like.   What's up with all the boys?   I teach the 6 year old class in primary ALL BOYS, eight of them.  We have 8 boys in preschool and 3 plus the neighbor kids on a daily basis ALL BOYS.  I guess if it was girls I would probably go postal.  Back to preschool.
 I started the day dressed as a queen, complete with cape and gold crown.  They all looked at me VERY strange.  Once I had their attention I asked them, what am I?  I got lots of shouts of "a princess"  kind of I said.  What is a princesses mom called?  . . . lots of blank and confused stares, finally one kid pipes up "mom?"  I had to laugh.  Of course, because all moms are called moms.  Once I straightened them out and informed them that I was a QUEEN I got the "oh" look and then was totally ignored.  I had the wrong target audience.  If they had been girls it would have been a totally different story.
My trouble was finding boy words that started with Q.  We started to make a quilt with not very much enthusiasm so I went to my good stuff, animals.   All kids like animals so we talked about what a duck says then we all followed like good little ducks quacking through the whole house.
My second day of preschool for that week I was totally stumped.  (We teach the same letter for 2 days)  So I tried to appeal to boys by using a Quarterback scenario, they hated it.  I tried pin the tail on the Q.  It was received a little better but they did NOT want to be blindfolded. (insert sigh)  Finally lightning struck.  I found a bunch of quarters and we played toss the quarter into the hat.  If you made it you got to keep your quarter.  Winner Winner.  turns out all kids love money especially shiny money.  We probably played 10 rounds of that game. (although the kids only got to keep one quarter.)
Pre-school is one of those things. .. I think I like it, I am good at it, but I don't think I could do it for very long.  I do love to watch kids learn,  I like to be creative and think up different things but I am usually done with kids at the witching hour (for me its more like the hours between 6 and 10pm)

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