It's Scott Birthday!!! Sadly I did not have any grand plans for this wonderful man. I asked him what he want to do for his birthday and all he could come up with was to have roast and potatoes for his dinner and to relax and watch TV. Sorry babe but that is a sorry excuse for a birthday but for once I am going to follow his wishes. The dinner was a no brainer so I set that up for Sunday and it was delicious. To get around this "relaxing day" (you all know how I hate to relax) I have slowly done little activities so he feels loved. On Friday we went to the movies. He LOVES to go to the movies. I am really okay with not going but I knew he really wanted to so when he asked I didn't give him my usual hard time and graciously accepted. On Saturday we went to Trafalga for their laser tag. The have a pretty good arena so I hear, plus it was free because of our aforementioned passes. He had a great time with the kids. It's a good bonding activity for all of them minus Peter he is too small.

Sunday was the Superbowl so I did another 2 for 1. We invited family over to come and watch the game. We had the traditional too much food, lots of noise and fun games for the non game watchers.
My mother the forever artist brought over a fun craft for Valentines. Basically shaved crayons between wax paper then iron to melt. Cut to desired shape. It was originally intended for the grand kids but I found myself sucked in to the craft vortex to join the creative juices. It was a lot of fun and really neat to see how differently they all turned out. They look especially cool when the sun shines through them.
For Scott's cake I saw the cutest idea on pinterest and thought I'd try it out. They were a little time consuming but they turned out pretty cute. I debated on whether to put a cavity on one but thought against it. Who wants to work on their birthday.
So here's to a wonderful son, brother, uncle and my most important Father and Husband.
(but of course I would never choose anything but the best.)
I love you sweetie, you are my rock, my right hand
and my north pole. I hope you have a wondrful year.
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