
Saturday, October 1, 2011


In my new ward I was called to primary AGAIN.  I must have primary written on my head.  At first all I could think of was. . . "again, what am I not learning that I need to be in primary again.  I can do other things." For those of you who don't know I have been in primary since I was 18 with a 2 year break in Young Women's.  I accepted the call because the Lord knows better than I do and if he wants me to serve in primary than that's where I'll be.
I have a challenging kid in my class who loves to try people.  The presidency was worried, but I said go ahead and put him in I'll straighten him out.  As we were doing our final practice for the annual primary program he was his usual self.  It was his turn to say his part and he was causing a stink because he didn't know his part and he wanted to read it.  I said NO the lady up by the mic would help him.  He was NOT happy with that arrangement so in my frustration I said VERY sternly "Well you should have memorized it then!!"  He had had ample time to do so with many reminders.  He was shocked that I would use such a tone toward him.  But I am happy to report the next day right before the program he came up to me and said triumphantly "Guess what?  I memorized my part."  To which I replied "Well good. That's what your supposed to do."  I am happy to say he was a perfect angel the rest of the day in church.  I am a firm believer that if you tell kids what you expect of them they will give it to you.
On another note, as I was sitting in the stand with my class while they were doing the primary program the spirit was so strong I couldn't help but think  that primary is the place to be.  Sure it can be stressful, and tiring, and frustrating, and tedious.  But these kids need us more now than ever before.  They are strong and have close relationships with our Heavenly Father so for now I will be content to be in primary

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