
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


You know that story of the pioneer lady who was starving and her daughter found a pie on the side of the trail?  This story is kind of like that.  My shower has been leaking and I have been meaning to get some silicone for it but I keep forgetting to get some. even though I would rather not spend money on things like that (yes I know it only costs $2.50, but we are on a STRICT budget).
 I went to the grocery store yesterday with a very specific list and all the allotted cash that I was to spend on groceries (A total of $145)  As the cashier was swiping my groceries my eye was on the screen tallying up my total.  I couldn't believe it.  My total was $143.27 I was so thankful that I stayed on my budget.  As I was loading my groceries in the car I took a minute to thank my heavenly Father and to look over my receipt. I noticed the cashier forgot to charge me for 2 cases of soda.  It was then that I wrestled with my conscience.  I could just pack up and go home with my 2 extra dollars or I could unbuckle my little boys and go back in the store to fix the error.  I tried to reason that I could just pay for 2 cases next time I went shopping, but I knew I would never remember.  SO.. . .  I unbuckled my boys and headed back in the store.  I told the cashier of our mix up and he gladly helped me make it right.  It was more than $2, but I felt better that I was honest.
Now back to the pie/silicone.  I went out to bring in the garbage cans this morning and look what I found lying right there on the road.  A brand new tube of silicone.  I'm chalking it up to being blessed for honesty. 
I am grateful for small miracles and blessings in my life.  They are constant reminders that my Heavenly Father is always watching over me.

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