
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

If they could just stay little

Brennens expression looks just like my dad in this pic
My favorite time of year is here and I am so excited.  I LOVE the fall.  I love the smells, the colors, the food, the clothes, the weather.  I just love everything about the fall. I love that I can leave my windows open all day and night to let that fresh air enter my house.  I think most improtantly I love the fact that it is not too hot or cold to play outside.  I had a couple of nephews over and all the boys just spent the whole time outside being boys.  You know shooting guns and whatnot.  I had to grab to camera and head out there to snap a few fun moments.  I can't help but let my mind wander to when these little guys grow up and go on missions and start having little boys of their own. If they could just stay little. 


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