
Saturday, October 15, 2011


Scott was at a commando camp out with the boys so me and the kids decided to take a drive up the mountains on a whim to see the beautiful colors before they fell.  It was the PERFECT day to go.  I love the fact that I can be IN the mountains in 15 minutes.  It was such a feast for the senses.  The smell of the pine trees and smoke from the nearby campfires was intoxicating, and the gentle breeze was extremely  pleasant, and the colors were B.E.A.utiful!!
It all started with the kids destroying my house and me trying to escape cleaning it.  They wanted to go to D.I. a favorite of mine as well, but I knew if I went I would spend money and we are trying NOT to spend money.  I was thinking it would be a perfect time to go take pictures in the mountains, however as we were trying to get ready to go everyone started fighting and I knew that it would not be a good photo shoot if we were already bickering.  SO I bagged that idea and just decided to enjoy mother natures wonder.  We just started driving with no place in mind and stopped at this gorgeous place.  It was nice. I tried to teach the kids how to skip rocks (without much success.)  The boys built little dams, and we just hiked around.  We played with a fuzzy caterpillar. I pointed out lambs ear and taught them how it helps with stinging nettles. I kind of wish I had a better camera so I could capture how pretty everything really is.



I remember growing up we would often take drives up the mountains to see the colors and smell the trees I loved it then, and I love it now. I am so grateful I can take these times to show my kids this wonderful earth God created for us to enjoy, and enjoy it I will!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these photos are great! It IS beautiful there. I especially like the third from the bottom with the little trucks parked below. The colors are amazing. Now I want to see photos of commando Scott...:)



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