
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween costumes

Here's our attempt at costumes this year. We had a ward party to head to. William is a knight (he wanted a horse too but that was too much to carry around so he settled for his jousting stick)  Brennen's Dark Bader. his mask was bothersome so he chucked it. Literally. Ellie is Rapunzel.  I literally made her hair about 30 min before the party but it made her really happy.  Peter was determined to be a dog with a costume we already had so I was grateful for that.  To go with it I was a dog catcher with a jumpsuit I bought at DI for $4 and I made a large logo for the back.  Peter is holding my dog catcher net I made 5 min before the party. Scott showed up in his Batman costume.
The party was a little weak.  Nothing like a Newhall 2nd Party.  But it was there first and the YW/YM were in charge.  That being said it was not too bad.

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