
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Too early

It started snowing! I mean really snowing, big fat floaty flakes.  It is just the first week in October!  I realized that I was moving to snow when I came here I just wasn't prepared for it to be so early. Although when I remember my childhood I remember lots of snow for Halloween.  Its just a shock So what better way to spend a cold snowy day than do some good old fashioned canning.  Now I am a little ashamed to say that I have never actually canned before.  I remember helping my Mom can when I was little, and I remember preparing garden veggies for the freezer. but to say I have CANNED before, I have not.  So my good sister who acquired some free peaches invited me over for a little canning frolic.  This happen to be perfect because we just got done reading a book in book club about the Amish people and they have canning and quilting frolics, making me long for some of those good ol' fashioned homemaking skills.

It turns out that canning is really easy, just a little time and materials are needed, and now that I have my own cans it should be easy for next time. I do have to say they turned out beautiful.

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