
Monday, September 26, 2011

RS general Broadcast

My little sister scored some tickets for the General Relief Society broadcast at the conference center.  I had been to the conference center only once before for a Christmas devotional taping so I was excited for it. My mom and all my sisters minus one went so it was a good girls night out. The seats were as far as you could get but it you could still feel the spirit.  There was a lot of good points brought up. I loved the play on words with the quote that went something like this; There is so much need for RELIEF in this world, that is our goal.  Relief not so much in the sense of  helping with natural disasters but the fact that the adversary has caused so much turmoil that we need to help.  They urged us to "Unite to protect the families from adversity."
 My favorite was Dieter F. Uctdorf, I love his style of speaking.  He talked about how he was at garden and was admiring all the beautiful flowers when one particular flower caught his eye.  It may be small but is equally as beautiful and significant. That flower is called a Forget Me Not. He  then went on to use this particular flower for an analogy.  Because the flower has 5 petals he came up with 5 forget me nots.
1. Forget Not to be patient with ourselves. god is aware that we are not perfect, he is also aware that the people that WE thing are perfect are not perfect.  He said that so often we compare our weaknesses to others strengths, and we should stop punishing ourselves but never stop striving to be the best that's in us.
I am guilty of this myself. I always get mad at myself for not doing better. I know that if I put all my energy into it I should be able to get it perfect.
2. Forget Not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish/unnecessary sacrifice. Sacrificing sleep to wake up with a child that has had a bad dream is a good sacrifice.  Staying up to the wee hours to crochet the Sunday lesson in a potholder for each sister is an unnecessary sacrifice.  Basically are we committing out time wisely?
3.Forget Not to be happy NOW!  Don't wait for your golden ticket. Be happy with what you have and are experiencing now.  If you wait for your ideal, you will miss all those sweet moments in life.
This is one I am really trying to keep in mind this year.  I am trying really hard to enjoy every moment and all stages of life whether it is mine or my children's lives.
I love how happy everyone looks in this picture
4. Forget Not the WHY of Jesus Christ. In the church we often get caught up in all the have to's or supposed to's and it turns into one big list of things we have to do.  While those things are good, do not let them over shadow the why of Jesus Christ.
5.Forget Not the Lord loves YOU. Your are not forgotten no matter what circumstance you are in.  Whether you are struggling with little ones or major situations Jesus knows you and loves you.  We need to let his love into our lives.
We are closer to heaven than we suppose.
This talk really hit home for me.  So often I get overwhelmed with striving for perfection that I am so far from its weighs me down.  I keep thinking that if I just worked harder, if I just focused more and was less selfish I could get closer to that goal.  Its nice to know that I could be okay.

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