
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

balancing the Universe

 I am always wary when I have a feeling of life is good . Don't get me wrong I am grateful for these precious times, but I have been around long enough to know that when I recognize these times something around the corner will come up so I don't get too comfortable.
Yesterday is a good example of that.  I was having a good day thinking how happy I was with all my relationships.  I was getting into routines and staying on top of all things that needed to get done.  I was just all around feeling good about how things were going. I even stated that in my prayers that I was happy and grateful for how things were developing. Then Brennen chose the dark side.  We had a terrible horrible no good very bad day.  I was tempted to stick him in a box and ship him to Australia.  He started by "forgetting" to use the toilet, more than once.  Then he was just down right nasty to his little brother constantly fighting, hurting, and fighting with everyone including me.  He was defiant and showed no remorse when he was doing something I did NOT approve of.  Peter noticing my frustration turned on the charm trying to balance out the universe by constantly giving me loves and saying the sweetest "I love you mommy's" (I swear its the only thing that saved me that day)  The last straw was while I was grocery shopping Brennen terrorized his brother while simultaneously dismantling the store.  I started checking out while the boys played with the redbox machine right next to the register I was at.  As I was unloading my cart the two of them disappeared.  They were no where to be found. (guess who was the instigator.)  I searched the front of the store, paused my search to pay the cashier then ran around the store with my full cart calling their names.  I finally found them OUTSIDE in the middle of the parking lot throwing rocks at cars!! It took everything in me not to spank his butt black and blue. I was shaking with frustration.  Thank goodness daddy was home by the time I got home.  I really needed someone to take over.
On the flip side, today as I was outside doing the lawn I marveled at my barefooted Huck fin boys running amuck in the orchard and climbing trees, and feeding apples to the horses.  Just playing wonderfully in the great outdoors.  Shouts of joy and sounds of laughter echoing throughout the backyard.  I couldn't help but think how great it is that they can just play like kids should be able to play.  With plenty of space to play and run wild.  Not a care in the world. And that I could witness it like a bee on a flower.
 Maybe its just me that one day I am ready to give up and the next I am hungry for more. Or maybe its just the universe trying to balance itself out. Thankgoodness for tomorrows.

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