
Thursday, September 15, 2011

the state fair

The State fair is always a sign that the summer is coming to an end.  We went for the first time in over 10 years.  I made all my kids do the boring stuff first.  We saw the arts and crafts, then the fine paintings, and the photography.  I found a couple of pieces that I absolutely loved and if I had money I would have bought them.  I tried to keep the kids interest by having them choose their favorite piece and tell me why it was their favorite. William kept asking why we were here and what we needed to learn.  I told him the fair was about seeing the amazing things people can create and the bounties they can grow.  He said "great.  Now can we go on some rides?" We lost their interest halfway through the photography so much to my disappointment we headed to the  "fun stuff".
They each got to choose 2 rides.  Ellie and William chose a hanglider ride where they were sure they were flying.  Ellie's next choice was a bungee trampoline.  She was hooked up to a harness attached to bungees and jumped as high as her body could go soaring though the sky.
Brennen headed for a little airplane ride hoping Peter could join him.  Sadly Peter was too small so he just had to watch.  After Brennens ride Scott and I took the little boys on the tilt-a-whirl.  One of my favorite carnival rides.  we had such a blast spinning spinning and spinning some more.
Williams second ride was Pharaoh's fury. A large boat that rocked back and forth really high. He was so excited to go on it until he waited his turn in line, then we started to get nervous.  very nervous. In the end he was glad he did it.
We saved the best for last.  The animals.  We started at the pigs where Peter was quite concerned that the little pigs were eating the big one.  It was so cute to watch them experience animals so close.  The cows were sweet with a little calf who had the biggest brown eyes you ever saw.
My favorite are the chickens.  I love the quirky looking ones that seem to have such a personality.  Then there were the bunnies.  Oh how the kids LOVED the bunnies.  They begged and pleaded to buy a fluffy little bunny.  Promising to do everything under the sun to get one.  After so much begging I said "Okay I'll get you a bunny for Easter."  Where smart mouth Scott blows my cover and says "ya a chocolate one."

I said I would rather get a chicken.  So we compromised they could get a bunny that lays eggs.  Like the cadburry bunny.  It took them 2 days to figure out there was no such thing.

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