
Thursday, September 8, 2011

food for thought

The other day I ran into my mom at the grocery store and I couldn't help but think isn't that amazing that I live close enough to family that I would run into them at the grocery store.  Its just one of those things that takes me by surprise and I am happy for it. 
I also notice that I still get excited when I see someone with a BYU shirt, or a CTR ring and I whisper quietly "Oh look. . they must be LDS."  When in reality probably most people here have a BYU shirt or CTR ring in their possession.  When you are not the majority you take notice of such things and get excited because you have something to connect you with another person.  Here its the norm.
The other day I was driving and could see 3 temples all at once.  Isn't that amazing 3 temples so close together you can see them while standing in one place, I am just at awe with what that means for us.
So many things I see, hear, or smell bring me back to good memories and I can't help but think, my children will be able to experience those same things, and have some of those same happy memories.
Its not that I didn't love living in California because I did!  and its not that I couldn't thrive there. . .  Its just nice that I have this happy feeling like I'm Home.  Its almost like I have been on a mission and now I have come home. (although the other day I called a pine tree a palm tree.  I guess I do miss Cali a little, especially the beach.) Regardless I hope I never take this feeling for granted.

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