
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Great Day

The other day the little boys and I went to the legacy center to run around the track.  This is my way of trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.  We both get exercise only Brennen thinks I am just playing tag.  First I am it then he is it, then we do some animal laps.  Walk like a dinosaur, or hop like a kangaroo, or Brennen's favorite the monkey walk.  Basically we do the grapevine very quickly.  We have so much fun just laughing and chasing each other.  i hardly realize I'm exercising myself. Peter usually stays in the stroller giggling at us both.  Sometimes he gets out to run with us but his little legs just can't keep up.  On Wednesday after we ran we went swimming.  Just the 3 of us.  Its nice because there is only about 6 other people in the pool so I could focus totally on them.  Teaching them to swim and just plain enjoying time with them.  What a great day.  I want to remember it for always.
I am torn because I love seeing all my children grow and accomplish new things but then I think they are growing up. How I am going to miss the days when they were little and fit right in my arms when we watch TV or they give me unembarrassed kisses and sweetly say I love you mommy.
 Hopefully I can  pull out these memories when they are teenagers and driving me crazy

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