
Monday, November 5, 2018

Roller Derby with Troy and Tiff Oct 2017

When Jane and I went to North Carolina to visit Troy and Tiffany we went to a Roller Derby.  It was a lot of fun.  They threw some swag into the crowd and of course these cool shades are what I caught. As we were walking to the building we saw the Ghostbusters out front complete with the Ghostmobile.  Gotta say a great way to start an evening. Because it was Halloween they had a costume contest.  The 2 teams were the Zombie's and the Unicorns.  When the Zombies came out on the track they did the dance from Thriller, it was pretty epic.  They had a program that told us the rules to Roller Derby and how things are scored.  It was actually pretty cool to watch.  Some of these girls could really fly, and when I say fly I don't just mean go fast.  Some of them could really leap with their skates to get ahead of the pack and score.  One of the best was a player by the name of "princess Slaya"  Get princess Leia but she slay's cause she's awesome.  Tiffany was star struck with her.  This was the perfect type of outing to go to with the Smiths.  Kind of sums up our relationship with them.  Lots of fun! After the Roller Derby we headed over to downtown Charleston.  We ate at a place called Tupilo Honey.  Delicious southern food.mmmm

We love these guys.

Tiff meeting her new sports star "Princess Slaya"

Who's afraid of what?

Down town Charlotte.

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