
Friday, November 2, 2018

Lake Powell Sept 2017

Hiking to some ruins
Scott Wright has a time share house boat on Lake Powell and he asked us to go with them to have some fun on it this year, and boy did we ever have some fun. This one was an adults only trip.  As soon as we got out on the water in the boats. Laura Bryce and I were on Scotties ski boat while the others were on the house boat and another ski boat.  The sky boat can obviously travel a lot faster than a house boat so we would drive for a bit then stop and wait.  We were at the pass waiting for the house boat to get ahead of us so we shut our engine off as we waited.  That turned out to be a mistake.  We couldn't get the boat to start back up.  The wind picked up and we were headed towards some rocks.  We tried with all our might to keep the boat off the rocks,  I even jumped in the lake fully clothed to keep the boat from hitting the rocks.  We thought if we could get the boat positioned in the pass the wind could blow us closer to our destination.  We pulled out the oars and rowed and rowed but the wind was too strong.  We tried switching the battery, jumping the battery with Scotties emergency jumper.  Finally we just waited for someone to come back to us.  After a little prayer and a lot of patience the other ski boat came back and rescued us.  He was able to get the boat started again and we were off.
We had a lot of fun just grown ups hanging out not having to help kids all the time.  The water was plenty warm.  The air was warm but not hot.  The wind was a little but chilly when you were wet.
Scottie has this tube called Super Mable.  Its a flat tube with a back rest. Talk about a fun ride.  The water was choppy so we were getting some pretty good air.  I was sandwiched in between my Scott and Kyle.  It was such a blast until we hit one particular way that caused My Scott to elbow me in the gut getting the wind knocked out of me and Kyle and I crashed heads.  It was a pretty hard hit.  Scottie was driving the boat, he stopped to ask if we were ok.  We were but I was ready for a little rest.  
We kyaked, cliff dove, skied, tubed, hiked, swam, all the wonderful things you do at Lake Powell.
Scott, Kyle and I had to head back home a day early so we loaded our stuff on the ski boat and headed back to the marina right as a big storm was coming our way.  It was THE wetest boat ride I have ever been on.  The spray from the waves and the wind was drenching. So much so that all our gear was pretty much soaked by the time we make it to the marina.  

Jane wrapping an injured hand/wrist.

Just relaxing at the lake.

Fun with gasoline.

Lake hair, I love it.

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