
Friday, November 2, 2018

Foam Day July 2017

We love Foam Day.  It's just so unique.  It feels like swimming in a cloud. Warm and cold, silky and smooth.  Just don't get it in your eyes. This is something put on by the city.  It started out as a way to use up the expired foam that's used to put out fires.  Its no long good for putting out fires but it is fun to play in.  The firemen shoot the foam until its 2-3 feet tall on a large grassy field.  They have 2 sections.  A smaller not as deep section for little's and a no holds for the big people.  I swear the firemen love to shoot everyone with the foam  Especially the grown ups.  Its important to wear eye protection because it does sting if it gets in your eyes.
They've turned it into an annual event pending on the water storage for the year.  If we have had very little water they don't hold foam day.  So we all pray for rain and snow just for this day.  There are food trucks and blow up bouncy houses and slides.  They also have games and now some vendors.  Its really turning into a festival.

Check out the smiles.  You think they're having fun?

Ben wasn't amused. 

Maria liked it a little more.

Jane enjoyed herself.

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