
Friday, November 2, 2018

Mount Timpanogos June 2017

We thought because we live so close we need to hike Timpanogos Cave atleast once with our kids.  We aquired a permit and reservation.  It was the perfect day to do the hike.  It was nice but not hot.  Timpanogos cave is a hike with a lot of steep switch backs as you scale the mountain.  The good news is that its not very long and it is paved.   The view was perfect.  it was a little hard for Ellie because she had an ankle injury and didn't do therapy after it was healed so that her foot was turned out and it made her hip misaligned.  He hip was really bothering her during this hike.  We made her rest and stretch it out during the break.  It was hard for her to stretch it out but it always felt better afterward.  
Once we got up to the caves the temperature dropped by about 20 degrees.  We were lucky enough to get our own private tour because no one else was scheduled during our time slot. I was pretty happy with that because we didn't feel like we had to be rushed and we were able to ask all the questions we wanted.  And if you know us at all we ask a lot of questions.  Always and forever turning things into a learning experience but hey knowledge is power.
The way down was obviously faster however my stupid ankles filled with metal don't do downward slopes very well.  I made it just fine but the whole next week I would be walking and then all of the sudden my ankles would get stuck and stop me in my tracks.  I'd have to stop back up a little shake my ankle out and it would work again.  Super annoying but I am grateful that they do work. I guess its a small price to pay for mobility.

Fossils in the rock face high up on the mountain.

The Heart of Timpanogus

It was really cold inside the cave.  Like 47 degrees cold.

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