
Friday, November 2, 2018

4th of July 2017

I got two words for you Shane "Chicken Nuggets"  That is one of the parables of the Stringham/Wright family.  A couple of 4th of Julys before, the Stringhams were watching a parade with the Reeves.  The Chickfila float was going by they were throwing out little boxes with 3 or 4 chicken nuggets in them.  Just as one was flying towards Scott's hand Shane (who was about 13) reached up and snagged them out of the air.  So Scott asks Shane to share some of the nuggets with him.  Shane proceeds to shove them all in his mouth and scarffs them down.  Scott tells him you know Shane bad karma comes back around.  Well Scott had a delicious drink called a Texas Twister, cool refreshing lemonade, with cherries and fruit.  A short time later, after eating several hand fulls of candy and a salty box of chicken, Shane asks, "Scott, can I have a cool refreshing drink?"  Scott looks at Shane and says "you know what Shane, I have two words for you you: Chicken Nuggets."  Shane immediately realized that what goes around comes around.
The above picture was taken several years later when Scott caught the Nuggets he wanted to remind Shane about karma.

dance party at Thanksgiving Point 

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