
Monday, November 5, 2018

Christmas 2017

This is actually Thanksgiving, but close enough.  We only had Kathy, Tracie, and her kids at this Thanksgiving.  So it was a nice laid back affair.  Here is Scott making his world famous meat and cheese platter.This year everyone else went to mexico or on a cruise. We were so small we ordered an Heirloom Turkey.  It was supposed to be the most amazing turkey.  It was a pretty pricey bird but we thought if we are ever going to try it this should be the year because we don't have to feed so many people.  I must admit it was good but not life changing and certainly not worth the cost.  I was glad to be able to do it once so now we know. 
Will is leaning the trade.

So tasty.

Charcouterie! (Look it up, it's a real word) 

Gingerbread Houses were also a laid back affair this year.

Scott's traditional Ginger Chapel. 

Christmas Eve

Hyrum, Lyn, Steph, Matt, Paul, and Scott

Mo, TK, Roxy, Brenny, Jenni, and Daisy
Shelbers!! How sweet.

Peter, Will, Jarom, Jacob, Ellie, and Mandy

Shelby(farm animal), Jarom(Shepard), Roxy Daisy Jenni (Angels)
Mo, Will, and Brenny (Wisemen)
Maria(Mary), TK(Joseph)
Hyrum and Peter (Farm animals)
Roxy, Daisy, Jenni, Maria

Christmas Cabin
The Christmas cabin this year was only accesable by snowmobile or fourwheeler.  It was a pretty good size for us.  The only down side was the fact that we didn't know it was going to happen until the last minute so poor Scott had to work for most of it.  He did get to join us for 1 day.  There was an awesome sledding hill.  It was really the road to get to all the cabins but because no vehicles are allowed its the perfect sledding hill.  Its not too fast and its really long.  The only down side as with all sledding hills the long walk back to the top. 
Sara and Jack

Sara and Laura

Grandma  Pool


Steph and Matt




Paul and Lucky






Jenni and Ellie

Juanito Bantito Christmas Special
I was introduced to Juanito Bandito at girls camp this year.  Its a funny melodrama with plenty of improv.  When I found out they did a Christmas play I just knew I needed to take the boys.  They were weary at first but once it got started we were all rolling on the floor with laughter.  We laughed so hard tears streamed down our faces and our sides were sore.  I think I found our new tradition.

Brenny in his new Christmas robe, with a lightsaber, and no shoes, in front of the Christmas Tree. Um, OK.


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