
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Waiamea falls

One of our last waterfalls we hiked was Waiamea falls.  This place has beautiful botanical gardens.  I was most impressed with the size of everything.  Now I understand why they filmed a lot of Jurassic Park in Hawaii.  The leaves were truly gigantic as well as the trees and flowers.  The hike to the falls is really more of a leisurely walk.  The entire thing is paved with a few unpaved trails that branch off from the main path.  Once we got to the falls we were a little hesitant to get in because the water was comparatively chilly. 
With my ankle swollen from all our adventures day after day I stuck my foot in the cold water to make it go down.  After sitting in the water for 5 minutes I decided to go ahead a jump in.  I did come all this way to what. . . Not get in?  I don't think so.  Scott caved into peer pressure and went for a swim himself.  It turned out to be quite refreshing.
To recap our trip to Hawaii, we had a great time.  We saw and did so many things we were totally exhausted by the end of our trip but I wouldn't have it any other way.  If I had to narrow down my absolute favorite thing,  it was hanging out with my very best friend and sweetheart Scott.  I love that we can hang out 24/7 and not get sick of each other. Thanks sweetie for taking me to Hawaii I had a wonderful time.  Of course I could probably go to Siberia with you and still have a great time.

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