
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Haunama Bay

Hawaii's Monk Seal
Haunama bay is definitely a tourist attraction.  I don't think you  would ever find a local here.  That being said it was a good place for snorkeling. I wasn't expecting much.  Having been diving in different parts of Mexico as well as the Cayman Islands, I thought this place would be boring for me.  It was fine for beginners.  The colors were not even close to what they should be with a lot of the coral dead, but it was still a day well spent.  Again we were blessed with a perfect day.  The people that run the park said that the water was exceptionally clear that day.  And we got a bonus, a Hawaiian Monk Seal decided to sun bathe on the beach that day.  These seals are endangered, there are only 1000 left in the world.  They told us we could look all we wanted but to stay clear of the seal.  If the seal decided to head back in the ocean they would have us all get out.  The whole time we were there the seal just basked in the sun with a smile on his face.  He slowly inched closer to the water with no intention of getting wet.  
As for snorkeling the area close to shore was a huge disappointment.  All the coral was dead and we could see 1 fish here, another fish there really not much to see.  It was also so shallow it was hard to swim with out disturbing it.  We tried it out for 5 minutes while Scott got adjusted to breathing with a snorkel then we headed out to the deeper area.  I don't know why people were afraid to go out into the expanse it was so much easier and prettier past the breakers. We saw quite a few schools of different fish, tons of sea urchins (the red one the prettiest) and a handful of different species.  
The sea life was pretty cool but I have to say the sea life in Cozumel is 10 times better. 
It never ceases to amaze me what detail was put into creating this earth, and that I am lucky enough to witness and experience so much of it.
We had a great time in Haunama Bay.  You absolutely must get there early because it fills up fast.   

puffer fish

convict fish

This parrot fish was huge. Almost 3 feet long

massive school of convict fish

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