
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter eggstravaganza

For Easter this year we had it at my parents house.  This was a bitter sweet holiday because we knew it would be my dad's last holiday.  We were blessed with sunshine and warmer weather.
In our family we have a massive egg hut but it is separated by ages and colors.  We have the littlest ones start out the hunt looking for the yellow and orange eggs.  They are easier to see and only hidden in the lower spaces.  Next is the 4-6 year olds.  These guys get pink and purple that are hid a little more difficultly.  You get the picture.  There are even eggs for the grown ups.  Our eggs are green and hidden extra hard.  Like in the rain gutter, on the roof, 12 feet up in a tree etc.  They eggs are filled with candy of course but also "bunny money" (money that can be spent at the bunny store.) There is even real money hidden.  With special $2 bills and gold coins.  Our bunny is cool like that.
Once we think all the eggs are found we head over to the bunny store to buy all kinds of goodies and toys.
It wouldn't me a get together with my family if we didn't have food.  So we have a nice potluck.  Usually it is foods that you would have on Easter Sunday only alfresco style.
My favorite part is coloring the eggs.  Maybe its the artsy part of me but I could spend a couple of hours painting eggs.  Some of my nieces and nephews preferred more the assembly style coloring.  I guess they saw it as something that needed to be done rather than enjoyed. I just wish I had brought an actual brush.
This year my brother-in-law went all out and rented a bounce house.  He actually had 2, one for the little kids and one for the bigger animals.  We thought all this togetherness would have worn them out but we seriously underestimated them.

really hidden eggs

lucky winner of a $2
Any party with my family is great.  We all get along so well they are truly my best friends. I am so grateful I was here to have just one more holiday with my dad.  He held up pretty well considering all the chaos.

some bunny store items

Shane and Chris

Jeff and Addy

baby Maria

Sarah and Jackson


Me with my brother Scott

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