
Monday, April 29, 2013


Brennen had a bad dream last night.  Instead of waking me up to climb in my bed (which is what he usually does) he asked me if we could say prayers.  So I got out of bed a knelt next to my little boy while he gave a heartfelt prayer that
he "be comforted, and not have any more bad dreams, that he would feel safe, and sleepy."  When he finished his prayer I gave him a hug and he went right back to sleep.
I am so glad that my Brenny at the tender age of 5 knows he can talk to his Heavenly Father anytime and ask for comfort.
Sometimes when I feel like I am failing as a parent little things like this happen and then I think I'm doing okay, they are getting it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

the REAL Mr. Potato Head

Brennen is my super helper.  He is always the first one to offer help and pitch in with out ever being asked.  When I am out doing yard work he gets his gloves and just goes to work. Brennen especially loves to cook. Every night I make dinner he is right there mixing, stirring, and peeling.  The other night he was peeling potatoes when he came across this one.  The REAL Mr. Potato Head.  (We did carve out a mouth) It was so funny we kept him on the counter for a couple of days.  You could say he was my "Wilson" when I was exiled to the kitchen.

pinterest has struck again

I come home to find all the boys totally freaked out.  Looking for the babysitter (Ellie) to find out some answers, I FIND the answer.  Ellie has been practicing Hollywood makeup techniques causing her little brothers severe distress.  Oh pinterest you make my life so complicated.


 I told Peter, today we are going to pull dandelions. He was so worried. He asked "are they real mom?"
Confused I said "yeah their real"
Then he asks "are they going to bite me? I don't think we should handle lions mom."
After a few moments of confusion I finally understood. He thought I meant real lions. After my Epiphany I assured him, "not real lions buddy, its those yellow flowers in the grass."
"Oh." He said, "let me get my gloves."
Silly boy.

The days after. .

I am so grateful I was able to be there for my dad's passing on April 4th 2013 just days after Easter.  As I stood by his bedside I was so sad but I could feel those prayers of others buoying me up.  I could feel the presence of the spirit giving me comfort in my time of need. I was so appreciative that I was able to say goodbye, to kiss his head one more time. As I wondered how we would get along without him I was comforted to know that he was happy to be able to work again without this earthly body holding him back.
I called Scott and had him bring the kids over to say goodbye.  It was hard for the older ones but I felt it was good closure for them.  Although my little ones keep asking, "Is grandpa still dead? When does he come alive again?  Doesn't he get resurrected?" What an amazing opportunity to teach my children more about the gospel.  To their understanding Jesus was only dead for 3 days then was resurrected.  After almost a week they asked "Okay mom its been more than 3 days when is grandpa coming back?"  It's taken some time for them to understand when they have no concept of time.  But again I am blessed to have so many chances to talk and teach of their grandpa, the gospel and my testimony.
I was surprised of the joyful spirit that accompanied his viewing Monday night.  Even though the weather was cold and rainy I felt the prayers of everyone supporting me.  I found it oddly comforting to help those that were really struggling with my dad's death.  When someone would come up so sad and so upset I found myself smiling and saying it was going to be okay.  That's the difference the knowledge of the gospel makes.
I think his brother David took it the hardest.  It took him all night to get up to the casket to say goodbye to his best friend and partner in crime.
The hardest part for me was the next day at the final viewing when they closed the casket.  I could feel my heart break in two as the final screws sealed his body in the beautiful casket my brother-in-law Matt made as  a tribute to him, a fellow carpenter and master craftsman.
The service was beautiful, funny, and spiritual.  All of his children including me talked and there were 3 musical numbers.  I conducted the grandchildren in singing families can be together forever. It almost took everything out of me to do it.  But I am comforted to know my parents were sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. 
The grave side service was short but sweet and extremely cold.  I am starting to think it was designed that way on purpose so that we wouldn't stand around and wallow in our sadness.  My dad hated it when we were idle.  He had a quote in his office that said "the greatest cure for worry is work."
So in honor of my dad and his love for work that he instilled  in us I put myself work the day after.  I got out my chainsaw and cut down all those branches I had piling up.  I was so grateful my chainsaw didn't give me any guff.  I think my dad had a hand in its performance.  The hard labor was so therapeutic for me I just wish the weather would get nicer for more therapy sessions.
As of now I am doing okay.  Of course there are times when I spontaneously break down into tears of sadness.  Usually it is triggered by a memory or seeing something that my dad would have done or said.  I was driving into the Walmart parking lot when I saw this grandpa in a cowboy hat and boots holding hands with his grandsons walking toward the store.  Immediately my eyes filled with tears and I had to turn back.  I was too emotional to go to the store. I guess we will all just take it one day at a time.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It has been a wonderful and tough couple of weeks.  As most of you know my dad has had Chondrosarcoma, a form of cancer.  It has been an emotional roller coaster to say the least.  One day he has years then next day months to weeks to days.  It seemed like every time he went into the doctor his prognosis was changed.  While his official diagnosis gave him till Christmas he waited until the flowers bloomed, I think for my mother.
He would have good days and bad days.  As he neared the end  he needed 24 hour care.  I was more than happy to volunteer my time to take car of this great man who has done so much for me in my life.  While it was extremely hard to watch his body decline more and more each day, I really was blessed to spend this time with him.  I would snuggle up to him and hold his hand while we watched his favorite shows.  He would boss me around when I wasn't doing what he wanted (that's how I knew he was still with us.) If I was too quiet he would reach out and grab my hand and give it a little squeeze. Sometimes he would ask about materials for a building job he thought he was on, then there were those times of clarity where he was all with me and then all with angels from heaven.  It was very clear to me that  there is life beyond our time here on earth.
The last picture I took of him

doesn't this look just like my Brennen

He loved his grand kids

He gave me my love for yard work.

 There is an amazing spirituality to someone with one foot on the other side.  Although it is a sad time, more so it is a faith building wonderful time.  When the veil is so thin.
At one time it was just my mom and dad when he was looking around and asked my mom " Who are all these people here?"  My spiritual giant of a mother recognizing the spirit asked "You don't recognize any of them?"  To which he replied "no."
"You will" she answered.
Another time he was semi sleeping when  he says "Chad! Chad!"  like he was greeting his brother who just walked in the room.  (it must be noted that his brother Chad had passed away 3 years ago.)  My mom came over and sat down next to him waking him up all the way.  She asks "Is Chad here?"  catching himself my dad says "no." (like are you crazy Chad passed away)
I was with him on his last full day of life.  I watched as he slept then reached out to others that were there that I could not see, but I could clearly see him make the motions of shaking people's hands.  What a spiritual experience. I will never forget the spirit I felt during these times as those on the other side came to greet and escort my dad.
He even told my mom that he had a job to do on the other side and that he needed to get there.  When I got the call from my mother the next morning that he had passed away my heart broke.  I understand it is selfish of me to want him to stay when his quality of life was so poor.  But all I could think of as I rushed over to see him, was the man my children would not get to know, I thought of how hard it must be form my mother to lose her sweetheart of so many years, and how my first superhero turned from mortality toward heaven.  I'll miss you dad.  I loved you so much, I hope I can make you proud.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blue and Yellow

Look at these handsome men.  I love these guys.  Usually for Easter I put all kinds of time in finding just the right outfits because I can.  This year I just didn't have a ton of time spending most of it caring for my dad, but I think the trade off was well worth it.  I obviously went with blue and yellow frankly because my kids looks so good in it.  That and I love the happiness that yellow brings.
For our photoshoot the kids really did NOT want to cooperate.  We had just gone to Maria's baby blessing and they were ready to run and play.  I threatened them with no Xbox or Skylanders for a week if they didn't get their pictures taken.  That brought out the smiles pretty quickly.  These were taken in a total of 10 minutes, and that includes rounding them up again and again.  But they are so darn cute it didn't take a lot.

My handsome Brennen.  He looks just like my dad.

I hope these boys are as close as my sisters and I are.  There's no friend like a sibling.

Easter eggstravaganza

For Easter this year we had it at my parents house.  This was a bitter sweet holiday because we knew it would be my dad's last holiday.  We were blessed with sunshine and warmer weather.
In our family we have a massive egg hut but it is separated by ages and colors.  We have the littlest ones start out the hunt looking for the yellow and orange eggs.  They are easier to see and only hidden in the lower spaces.  Next is the 4-6 year olds.  These guys get pink and purple that are hid a little more difficultly.  You get the picture.  There are even eggs for the grown ups.  Our eggs are green and hidden extra hard.  Like in the rain gutter, on the roof, 12 feet up in a tree etc.  They eggs are filled with candy of course but also "bunny money" (money that can be spent at the bunny store.) There is even real money hidden.  With special $2 bills and gold coins.  Our bunny is cool like that.
Once we think all the eggs are found we head over to the bunny store to buy all kinds of goodies and toys.
It wouldn't me a get together with my family if we didn't have food.  So we have a nice potluck.  Usually it is foods that you would have on Easter Sunday only alfresco style.
My favorite part is coloring the eggs.  Maybe its the artsy part of me but I could spend a couple of hours painting eggs.  Some of my nieces and nephews preferred more the assembly style coloring.  I guess they saw it as something that needed to be done rather than enjoyed. I just wish I had brought an actual brush.
This year my brother-in-law went all out and rented a bounce house.  He actually had 2, one for the little kids and one for the bigger animals.  We thought all this togetherness would have worn them out but we seriously underestimated them.

really hidden eggs

lucky winner of a $2
Any party with my family is great.  We all get along so well they are truly my best friends. I am so grateful I was here to have just one more holiday with my dad.  He held up pretty well considering all the chaos.

some bunny store items

Shane and Chris

Jeff and Addy

baby Maria

Sarah and Jackson


Me with my brother Scott


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