
Friday, February 15, 2013


This year I told Scott that we were keeping Valentines VERY low key.  Maybe just go out to dinner to Cafe' Rio or its equivalent, because we are going to Hawaii soon I thought we should save everything for the trip. He agreed because he is so amazing but he did surprise me with flowers
Check out my beautiful flowers from my Sweetie and my Dad.  I love getting flowers.  If I could I would have fresh flowers every week.  So if any of you want to send me flowers you would totally make my day.  There is just something so happy about flowers.  Blame my fascination of flowers on my florist mother/ thanks mom I actually love it.  There was a time when I thought the perfect job would be a flower delivery person.  Everyone is happy to see you and everywhere you went you make people smile.  I still may do that when I grow up, IF I ever grow up.
Valentines day is one that I am a little indifferent about.  I'm not against it but I'm not totally crazy about it either.  Although I have many loves in my life, my Sweetie being number one I always find the actual holiday a little lack luster.  Don't get me wrong I am all about celebrating those loved ones but when we all do it on the same day it seems a little crowded.  Not to mention the school activities involved are a lot of work.  One thing I do like doing here is the Valentines day boxes.  I think its fun to come up with the ideas and bring them to life.  This year we did 2. One for William and one for Brennen.  Brennen's turned out super cute.  He loved it.  Williams was not so amazing but then again I am not into Minecraft (a popular video game) and his was a "Creeper" from that game.  The important thing was that HE loved it, and his friends thought it was so cool.
I was happy with the actual valentines thanks to Pinterest. We always have a stock of glow sticks at our house so all I had to do was print off the template and voila.  Of course I had to restock my glow sticks after doing 70 valentines, but it wasn't candy, and it was simple and cheap and everyone loves glow sticks.

So in honor of St. Valentine.  Happy Valentines Day everyone.  May you all be as loved and blessed as I am.

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