
Friday, February 1, 2013

the jump

So it has snowed and snowed just when I was ready for it to stop snowing.  It dumped 3 feet in 1 day.   I had shoveled a foot of snow in the morning then in the afternoon I shoveled another foot, and it was still snowing.  After 2 days of snow the sun finally came out and melted half of the snow so I told the kids we were going to go sledding before it all melted.
The day started off to a bad start with a meeting with the tax guy that didn't quite go as planned but I told Scott it would be better and that we should do something to get his mind off of it.  He was a little reluctant but I made it happen.  I was excited to go so I got everyone ready and we headed to the pseudo Kmart hill because its so close.
 We were all having a great time, sledding down and hiking back up. the day was so pretty and everyone was happy.  Even Peter who hated it last time was all smiles this time.  It made such a difference.
I decided that I just had to try the jump.  After 2 failed attempts( I missed the jump) Peter  climbed on wanting to go off the jump.  As i was careening down the hill right on track I had a brief thought, "should I be doing this with Peter on the sled?"  A thought that came too late.  we hit the jump perfectly with Peter woo-hooing as we caught air.  I thought I should try to save my tailbone and put my feet out and down to catch my decent.  that was the wrong thing to do. I knew it as soon as I did it.  My foot went under the sled then wrenched the wrong way.  I just laid there for about 10 minutes trying to decide if I broke my ankle again.  In the mean time other kids wanted to go off  the jump so they are all yelling at me to get out of the way.  I crawled about 10 feet away and laid down a little longer getting the strength to stand up.
Scott just stood and stared at me with a look that said "you idiot"  I know I know I'm an idiot.  I keep thinking I am younger than I am.So I tried to laugh it off.
I was pretty sure it was okay until I tried to stand up and walk to the car.  I was wondering why we parked so far away.  Once we were all loaded in the car the pain hit and I thought just maybe it was broken. We dropped the kids off at home and Scott said get in the car we are going to the urgent care.  Scott was pretty upset with me.  He said it was that "dang Wright gene" in me that makes me do stupid stuff just so I can say I did it.  I'm not confirming or denying that.  
I really was having a great time and thought the jump would be fun.
 The doctor was pretty funny.  When he went to compare my hurt ankle to my other one I told him that wont work because it was my good ankle.  To which the Dr. replies "Not anymore it isn't".  So he had me bring them together just to see.  Once he saw my other one he said, "your right that ones junk, get it away."  (I love it when I find a doctor just my style.)  After x-rays that showed it wasn't broken he told me that I should really take up something easier on my body because my ankles are 70 years old and I am not so what do I think about quilting.
Thanks doc but I don't think I could sit still long enough to quilt.

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