
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Ellie is working on a project for art.  For this project she has to draw a superhero.  She chose Wonder Woman.  She was working on it at the kitchen table when Brennen came over to see what she was doing.  Fishing for a compliment Ellie asked "what do you think of my drawing Brennen?"  Brennen gives it a once over says, "Its good, I like her hoob's."
  I'm not sure if I should be mortified or entertained.  For now I am going with it was freakin' hilarious.

This almost beats the time we were in Target walking past the underwear section when Brennen grabs a bra off the rack and yells at the top of his lungs.  "HEY MOM DO YOU NEED SOME NEW ELBOWS.  HERE'S SOME NEW ELBOWS MOM."  If I was someone who got embarrassed I probably would have crumbled to the floor.  Luckily I have a great sense of humor.
Now when do I start correcting him on his terminology?

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