
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Leonardo

We spent Presidents day with  my mom and dad.  Scott had the great idea of going uptown to see The Leonardo.  He has been wanting to go for some time so we finally made it happen.  I was pretty happy that my folks were willing to come.  So everyone except William who was sick got a sweet tour of the mummies exhibit.
All and all it was quite interesting.  I learned some things that I never knew before, like the oldest mummies are actually from South America.  They had been mummifying long before the Egyptians.  It was amazing to learn the stories of the mummies on exhibit.  Somethings were a little silly to me.  For instance there was a mummified baby crocodile.  Basically he looked like a tiny crocodile wrapped up like a little girl would wrap up her baby doll with his little head sticking out.
I think the most fascinating thing about the mummies was the actual preservation.  How we could see their hair in perfect braids, or the little ones curly blond hair sticking out of its wrappings.
In addition to the mummies there was the rest of the museum.  A very hands on interactive space.  I took Brennen and Peter up to the pixel play land early because they had lost interest in the mummies.  It was so funny because all the kids there were talking about Minecraft.  Everything they built was something from that video game.  I guess the good thing about that was they were recognizing what was involved   and connecting it to something they understood.
The crowd favorite was the skeleton avatar.  The same technology as the Xbox Kinnect only the avatar was a skeleton so his moves were hilarious.  Also the fact that he didn't have any connective tissue made his movements super silly.  His pelvis would get turned around, or his legs would fold up on himself, all while the actual person was moving in front of the sensor.
They also had a green screen which was pretty fun.  Ellie loved the art studio and I was happy that we got a membership so that I can come back and spend more time playing with all the fun stuff.  I love it when we learn through play.,

After a long day at the museum we finished it off with a trip to Litza's Pizza.  My dad's favorite place to eat.  I am so grateful we have this time to spend with him.

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