
Friday, February 15, 2013

Geek of the Week

Here's our Brennen winning another spot in the Geek of the Week.  This kid is such a ham I tell ya.  Anytime a camera is present he is right there doing something to get your attention.  I'm not exactly sure what this pose is supposed to be.  Shall we say its his version of "Blue Steel"?This video can also be classified under the Geek of the Week.  
I often have music playing in my house.  It is my release, my fun, my motivation to clean, my trick to NOT have the TV on. (usually if I have music playing my children wont turn on the TV.)  It is just the stuff life is made of.  I love that my children love music almost as much as I do.  Here are two of my biggest Geeks hamming it up.  I'm pretty sure they get their dance moves from their dad but hey they ARE having fun!!!
So turn the music up people lets dance!!     (excuse the bullets and mess in the background.  Just keepin' it real people.)

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