
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tough guy

On Sunday we were watching Ramona and Beezus while daddy was taking a nap.  when it got to the part where their cat Picky Picky dies I look over at Brennen who is sitting on the floor in front of the TV.  As I look I see this giant crocodile tear roll down his cheek.  Self conscious he sees me looking at him.  He wipes his arm across his face and defensively says "I'm not crying!!" Then he comes over to tackle/hug me because he's a tough guy that doesn't cry at things like that. He buries his face in my lap and I just smile and rub his back assuring him that I know he's not crying. 
Oh my sweet teddy bear that is Brennen.  He would love the world to think he is so tough but I know underneath all that toughness is a tender heart.  I love you Widow.  You're not a man of many words but you understand so much of life.

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