
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


These beautiful strawberries are in season and my kids new favorite snack.  I bought a large flat and froze them last week and they are all gone.  When they're frozen my kids think they're candy.  With all these yummy berries about, my sister Amy and I decided to make some strawberry jam. We took a trip to DI first in hopes of scoring some mason jars.  Just our luck there was a whole box of jam jars with rims.  Each jar was marked 25 cents, we counted a little over $10 worth. I took it up to the cashier to see if he would take $5 for the whole box.  He was about to agree when the neighboring cashier mentioned that if they were in a box there was most likely a price for the whole box.  We looked and saw a price tag for $3, even better we'll take it.
It took a big chunk of the afternoon but we did can about 15 pounds of strawberries.  Each time we can, we say we should have bought a pair of jar lifter tongs and each time we forget. ( I am determined to have them by the time I am ready to can my apricots! ) The little ones kept sneaking these Delicious reds every time they passed through the kitchen.  We tried to limit them so they didn't get adverse effects from the fruit but with the bright color, the juice, and the fact that the kitchen smelled like a smoothie shop proved too tempting
 I have to admit they did turn out pretty, and pretty tasty too.  Each time we can something, I think back to the old days when they had canning frolics, and realize what a wonderful time that is.  Sure its a lot of work but I wouldn't pass up these memories for anything.  Now if I could get all my sisters together for a canning frolic that would be awesome!! What so you say ladies are you up for canning?

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