
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Father's and Sons

the visitor
 This year for Father's and Sons my dad offered to come and bring his motor home.  the boys were so excited about it they love that motor home.  This was Brennen's first year going and he could not have been happier to be included.  They camped fairly close to where we live so that was nice.  They had tons of food of course and showed a movie on one of the trailers.  The weather was cold so most of the night was spent around the campfire. My dad has a hard time with the cold now so he spent the rest of the night in the motor home.  They did do some hiking and rock skipping or throwing depending on who tossed a rock. They even had a little visitor (a deer) come see what all the fuss was about.  All and all they said they had a great time with campfire songs, marshmallow roast, and camaraderie.  Scott even remembered to take some pictures for me,

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