Usually I am totally frazzled by the end of spring break. This year was a different story. Maybe its because spring break is only 1 week here instead of 2-3wks in Cali. Or maybe its because my week before spring break was crazy busy/hectic. Whatever the reason spring break was a little more relaxing than in the past. I was really struggling with the different schedule. My radar kept going off that I was supposed to be somewhere or that I forgot something.
We did the typical go swimming thing, that's always a winner. We met up with our friend Tiffany and her kids to go to a cool discovery park with a picnic. The weather tried to stay nice so I took advantage of it and did a lot of work out in the garden. I have 13 garden boxes that were taken over by weeds. I finally got them all cleaned out and ready for seeds. There were quite a few grubs in the boxes so I took advantage of the situation and got the kids to help me with the promise of doing whatever they wanted to the grubs found in the garden as long as they didn't leave them alive. They stomped on them, sawed them in half with the spade, pulled them apart yada, yada, yada. What can I say, I've got 3 boys.
I got the irrigation turned on the day it decided to rain. Unknown to me, Scott had tried to get it on and left one of the spigots open, so when I turned on the water from the main valve I got totally soaked. My supervisors (the kids) were stunned at first not knowing how I was going to react. They were overjoyed when I just started laughing. All I could think of was how funny it must have looked to everyone else.
After a day of hard yard work I rewarded the kids the next day with a trip to the DI. I love that something as simple as the DI is such a treat for us. William decided on a pair of roller blades for $4. I hesitated, yep I'm that cheap that I have to think about buying a nice pair of roller blades for $4. Turned out to be $4 well spent. The rest of the week was spent rolling around the neighborhood.