
Thursday, January 5, 2012


We have had the most mild winter I can ever remember living here  I know we are going to be hurting when it comes summer but I am really enjoying it. 
I love the SUN.  I crave it, literally crave it. As I was shopping I just stood in the parking lot with my face up to the sun and soaked it all in.  I could have stood there longer but I had kids in the car starting to lose their patience with me.  When I was little we had these big bay windows that let in the perfect amount of sun. I would be like a cat and just lay on the carpet in the suns rays letting it warm me up especially in the winter months.  I guess its hereditary because today I caught Peter laying on the floor in the sun.  I wanted to curl up and join him.  Then we went outside and I noticed Brennen basking in the sun with his face towards the sky soaking it all in, so the three of us sat on the stairs with our faces to the sun soaking up its goodness.  Oh it feels SO Good!!!

This warm weather we have been having helps me with my need to be outside because it is actually tolerable to be outside with such warm temperatures.  The other day my kids were inside with their faces plastered to one screen or another so I threatened them that if they didn't come outside and play I was going to make them clean the whole house.  That includes organizing the playroom (it has been well loved with all the parties and families over).  They begrudgingly came outside with ample complaints of why.  I just don't understand, when I was little we loved to be outside.  Outside we could run and yell and build stuff, go on scavenger hunts, bike, ride the go kart, or hike.  Okay I had an ideal place growing up where the mountains were my backyard, there was tons of stuff to do and tools and scrap to build with, and the only rule was to come home before dark. There was always some one to play with cause I have a big family and the neighborhood lived at our house. My parents were extra awesome.  Anyway once they got outside we had a blast.  We played freeze tag, survivor, and football, and it was so warm we didn't even need our jackets.

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