
Monday, January 9, 2012


William was baptized by daddy this Saturday.  It could not have been more different than my first child's baptism.  First of all there was family there, lots and lots of family. Ellie asked if she could be jealous that William got family at his baptism and she only got investigators. I said no but she could be happy.  Having family meant that I didn't have to do it all myself.  When one of my little ones acted up my sister took care of them so I could totally focus on William and the meeting.  For Ellie's baptism I had Brennen as a baby and can I say he was the fussiest baby ever.  He ALWAYS cried, would only let me hold him, and was just plain exhausting to be around.  Needless to say I couldn't give Ellie the attention she deserved on her day.
There was another pianist to fill in during the waiting time so I didn't have to worry about music, and big bonus the bishopric showed up and there were plenty of people to be witnesses and to be in the confirmation circle. (We had to scrape some up from other wards for Ellie's ordinances.)
I have to say my favorite part was the look on Williams face when he came into the chapel after changing into dry clothes, I wish I could have taken a picture.  He had this look of pure joy, pride, peace, and satisfaction as he walked hand in hand with Scott who was also grinning from ear to ear.
Afterward we had everyone come to my house for a luncheon.  I love how well my family works together.  They are like a well oiled machine.  They just get it done with out direction.  They helped me set up the spread in just a few minutes and when it was time to call it a day, without being asked they cleaned it all up.  Super awesome I know.  My good friend Tiffany asked if we were always like that.  I'm sure there was a training period when we were young, but as far as I can remember yes, we all worked together and got things done.  Again I owe it all to my parents, what a wonderful job they did.  I only hope I can teach my kids like they did.

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