
Sunday, January 29, 2012

change of scenery

   My day is pretty much the same thing over and over again with slight variations. Wake up, get kids ready for school, make lunches, clean house, feed little kids lunch, clean another part of the house or do laundry. I feel like that Greek guy who has to push the same rock up the same hill everyday. It was getting quite monotonous so I decided we needed a change of scenery (without spending money). It was a sunny day so I told the little guys that we were walking to the library. It's just a couple of miles and we had nothing but time. Brennen really wanted to ride his scooter, so Peter just had to ride his motorcycle. I knew this wasn't going to last long so I got out the bike trailer/stroller. My motto is I'd rather push an empty stroller than have to carry a kid (and/or his bike). It's a good thing I did because 2 blocks into the journey Peter, petered out.
Its amazing how different our world is when you walk through it instead of drive. I have made this drive MANY times but as we were walking I noticed so many different things. Houses looked more interesting, I was able to check out yards and the interesting things in them. We even stumbled upon a little water feature I had no idea existed even though I drove right by it countless times.
We took the whole thing slow so the boys could explore and point out things like the a pile of screws on the curb, huge rocks, barking dogs, small mounds of snow, and various shiny objects. It was definitely a lesson in patience. Once I gave up control of following a pace that had no need it was just as enjoyable for me. Once we got to the library we read a few books, colored some pictures, then selected our favorites to take home. The boys were so good I thought I would reward them with a trip to the local bakery, it was just a block further. We got there and Brennen found his perfect treat a Angry Birds cupcake. We found a picnic table and enjoyed our little treat.
They were too tired to walk home so I just loaded them in the stroller and headed back.

It was a great time to just take a break from the monotony and head out to explore our own "back yard".

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