
Monday, January 30, 2012

rocket boosters

The little boys and I go running at our local indoor track.  Brennen is really quite the track star.  That boy can go forever.  He laps me several times, (not that that is hard to do.)  and he always runs without shoes.  He says he can run faster bare footed.   He finds the person who is running the fastest and informs them that he is racing them.  Everyone has been so good with him.  Some slow down then realize this kid can go so they pick up their original pace.  Others speed up and he just follows their lead.
Peter will run a few laps but his legs just don't last.  The other day he was running really great then he informed me that he ran out of rocket boosters.
Rocket booster huh?
he said "ya mom see.."  He makes a fist and pushes his thumbs down like he's pressing a switch then he makes a psht sound several times like his booster wouldn't ignite.
I love kids imagination.  So I set him up on a bench to rest while I did a few more laps.  After my second lap sans Peter he notified me that his boosters were working.  "Oh," I said did you recharge their batteries?"
"No MOM! I got more gas." he gave me a look like I was such an idiot.  Boosters don't take batteries duh.

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