
Friday, January 13, 2012


I have been spending some left over time on the time sucker of all time. PINTEREST.  I swear that site is like a black hole, once you enter it is nearly impossible to get out. In its defense it is full of amazing pictures (places I want to go but could never afford)  Wonderful creativity and ideas, good recipes, and some hilarious quotes.  One I found I am totally using when my kids become teenagers and don't come home on time. It said something like, "your late, past curfew, don't bother ringing the doorbell or knocking feel free to sleep outside on the patio consider yourself lucky as this time I provided a blanket."  I can see myself boldly tapping a note like this to the front door.  Here are a few of my favorite pics.
Another one I am putting in my kitchen is
Todays Menu
Eat it
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