
Sunday, January 29, 2012

mini golf

We finally decided to get our pass of all passes. Basically a pass to get into lots of different places.  One of those places is our local Trafalga.  Its your typical fun center with arcade, mini golf, laser tag, etc. Of course it was PACKED on a Saturday where everyone else has the same pass, but it was a nice day so we tried the mini golf.  Its has a national monument theme with some fun places to putt the ball.  Scott's first try he got a hole in one so that set the bar. Brennen actually did pretty good although he has a Happy Gilmore approach. He holds the golf club like a hockey stick, but he took it pretty seriously.  William was your typical William just messing around half trying half playing.  All I cared about was that they were having fun.  Peter didn't fully understand the purpose of the club.  He just picked up the ball and threw it into the hole.  When we got to the last one where your ball disappears he was really confused.  He looked everywhere for where the balls come out.  He was very disappointed to learn that it was gone. Once I suggested going to the play structure he got over it. Ellie and Brennen tried the rock wall.  Ellie got all the way to the top, Brennen got half way looked down and lost his nerve.  He wasn't heavy enough for the pulley system so they had to tie a rope to him to pull him down. They all tried the frogger hop a ride that drops you down at different intervals.  On the second try William was in the BIG kid seat and he was so worried that he was going to fall out.  It was funny to watch his face go from thrilled to terrified to thrilled to terrified. Over all we had a fun time.  Its always fun to play together.

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