
Monday, January 30, 2012


Did your mom ever tell you it was rude to point?  I think that depends on how you point.  My boys all have a different way of pointing at things.  Williams was definitely rude (I say was because we have corrected his unusual point).  He would always point with his middle finger.  After countless times of telling him not to use that finger I finally asked him WHY he uses the middle finger.  He matter-of-factly showed me his hand and said "because its the longest."  Such the realist.
Brennen uses his whole hand extended to point.  Kind of like he is showing you what prize you could win.  It so funny.
Peter uses his first two fingers to point. 

I don't know why they are all so different but it makes me laugh every time they do.  Although yesterday Peter pointed like a real person and I was instantly sad.  He's growing up:(   Thankfully today he was showing me something at the store using the 2 finger point.  Maybe he's not growing up too quickly.

rocket boosters

The little boys and I go running at our local indoor track.  Brennen is really quite the track star.  That boy can go forever.  He laps me several times, (not that that is hard to do.)  and he always runs without shoes.  He says he can run faster bare footed.   He finds the person who is running the fastest and informs them that he is racing them.  Everyone has been so good with him.  Some slow down then realize this kid can go so they pick up their original pace.  Others speed up and he just follows their lead.
Peter will run a few laps but his legs just don't last.  The other day he was running really great then he informed me that he ran out of rocket boosters.
Rocket booster huh?
he said "ya mom see.."  He makes a fist and pushes his thumbs down like he's pressing a switch then he makes a psht sound several times like his booster wouldn't ignite.
I love kids imagination.  So I set him up on a bench to rest while I did a few more laps.  After my second lap sans Peter he notified me that his boosters were working.  "Oh," I said did you recharge their batteries?"
"No MOM! I got more gas." he gave me a look like I was such an idiot.  Boosters don't take batteries duh.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

mini golf

We finally decided to get our pass of all passes. Basically a pass to get into lots of different places.  One of those places is our local Trafalga.  Its your typical fun center with arcade, mini golf, laser tag, etc. Of course it was PACKED on a Saturday where everyone else has the same pass, but it was a nice day so we tried the mini golf.  Its has a national monument theme with some fun places to putt the ball.  Scott's first try he got a hole in one so that set the bar. Brennen actually did pretty good although he has a Happy Gilmore approach. He holds the golf club like a hockey stick, but he took it pretty seriously.  William was your typical William just messing around half trying half playing.  All I cared about was that they were having fun.  Peter didn't fully understand the purpose of the club.  He just picked up the ball and threw it into the hole.  When we got to the last one where your ball disappears he was really confused.  He looked everywhere for where the balls come out.  He was very disappointed to learn that it was gone. Once I suggested going to the play structure he got over it. Ellie and Brennen tried the rock wall.  Ellie got all the way to the top, Brennen got half way looked down and lost his nerve.  He wasn't heavy enough for the pulley system so they had to tie a rope to him to pull him down. They all tried the frogger hop a ride that drops you down at different intervals.  On the second try William was in the BIG kid seat and he was so worried that he was going to fall out.  It was funny to watch his face go from thrilled to terrified to thrilled to terrified. Over all we had a fun time.  Its always fun to play together.

Geek of the Week

Growing up in large family with a mom who liked to take pictures we would often have a picture of someone being completely dorky or just plain looking goofus.  We called them the Geek of the Week and would put that picture on the fridge.  So to carry on tradition her is our Geek of the Week
Peter in his Jammie's snow boots too big gloves and hat pushing around half of a pink and white motorcycle.
I think I want to make this an actual weekly post so if any of you want to supplement my geek of the week posts just send me your geek photo.  we can all use a good laugh.

change of scenery

   My day is pretty much the same thing over and over again with slight variations. Wake up, get kids ready for school, make lunches, clean house, feed little kids lunch, clean another part of the house or do laundry. I feel like that Greek guy who has to push the same rock up the same hill everyday. It was getting quite monotonous so I decided we needed a change of scenery (without spending money). It was a sunny day so I told the little guys that we were walking to the library. It's just a couple of miles and we had nothing but time. Brennen really wanted to ride his scooter, so Peter just had to ride his motorcycle. I knew this wasn't going to last long so I got out the bike trailer/stroller. My motto is I'd rather push an empty stroller than have to carry a kid (and/or his bike). It's a good thing I did because 2 blocks into the journey Peter, petered out.
Its amazing how different our world is when you walk through it instead of drive. I have made this drive MANY times but as we were walking I noticed so many different things. Houses looked more interesting, I was able to check out yards and the interesting things in them. We even stumbled upon a little water feature I had no idea existed even though I drove right by it countless times.
We took the whole thing slow so the boys could explore and point out things like the a pile of screws on the curb, huge rocks, barking dogs, small mounds of snow, and various shiny objects. It was definitely a lesson in patience. Once I gave up control of following a pace that had no need it was just as enjoyable for me. Once we got to the library we read a few books, colored some pictures, then selected our favorites to take home. The boys were so good I thought I would reward them with a trip to the local bakery, it was just a block further. We got there and Brennen found his perfect treat a Angry Birds cupcake. We found a picnic table and enjoyed our little treat.
They were too tired to walk home so I just loaded them in the stroller and headed back.

It was a great time to just take a break from the monotony and head out to explore our own "back yard".

Friday, January 13, 2012


William has had a lot of firsts lately.  His most recent are his first school play, and getting his first scout badges.  The school play was as to be expected a typical 2nd grade play about animals with lots of singing where you couldn't really understand the words but the kids look cute so you smile.
Scouts is something he is really enjoying, if only he would put this much effort towards school things he would be acing everything.  It makes me wonder if he can memorize all these scout motto's and sayings why can't he learn his spelling words?

With all these "firsts" William asked if we were going to celebrate.  I asked him what kind of celebration was he thinking of?  His answer. . . order pizza for dinner.  So easy, of course we can celebrate.


We all know how Peter loves to vacuum.  He has always loved vacuuming, and everything about it so this year for Christmas he got a real vacuum. I figured he was always pushing one around anyway he might as well be cleaning up the floors. This turned out to best the best gift of Christmas.  It has been a transformer, a sword, a shark, and a vacuum.  Peter vacuums everyday.  He just finished doing the downstairs because he said it needed it. This gift turned out to be a win win. He gets a universal toy I get clean floors.  This might be the smartest thing I've ever done.


I have been spending some left over time on the time sucker of all time. PINTEREST.  I swear that site is like a black hole, once you enter it is nearly impossible to get out. In its defense it is full of amazing pictures (places I want to go but could never afford)  Wonderful creativity and ideas, good recipes, and some hilarious quotes.  One I found I am totally using when my kids become teenagers and don't come home on time. It said something like, "your late, past curfew, don't bother ringing the doorbell or knocking feel free to sleep outside on the patio consider yourself lucky as this time I provided a blanket."  I can see myself boldly tapping a note like this to the front door.  Here are a few of my favorite pics.
Another one I am putting in my kitchen is
Todays Menu
Eat it
Pinned ImagePinned Image

Monday, January 9, 2012


William was baptized by daddy this Saturday.  It could not have been more different than my first child's baptism.  First of all there was family there, lots and lots of family. Ellie asked if she could be jealous that William got family at his baptism and she only got investigators. I said no but she could be happy.  Having family meant that I didn't have to do it all myself.  When one of my little ones acted up my sister took care of them so I could totally focus on William and the meeting.  For Ellie's baptism I had Brennen as a baby and can I say he was the fussiest baby ever.  He ALWAYS cried, would only let me hold him, and was just plain exhausting to be around.  Needless to say I couldn't give Ellie the attention she deserved on her day.
There was another pianist to fill in during the waiting time so I didn't have to worry about music, and big bonus the bishopric showed up and there were plenty of people to be witnesses and to be in the confirmation circle. (We had to scrape some up from other wards for Ellie's ordinances.)
I have to say my favorite part was the look on Williams face when he came into the chapel after changing into dry clothes, I wish I could have taken a picture.  He had this look of pure joy, pride, peace, and satisfaction as he walked hand in hand with Scott who was also grinning from ear to ear.
Afterward we had everyone come to my house for a luncheon.  I love how well my family works together.  They are like a well oiled machine.  They just get it done with out direction.  They helped me set up the spread in just a few minutes and when it was time to call it a day, without being asked they cleaned it all up.  Super awesome I know.  My good friend Tiffany asked if we were always like that.  I'm sure there was a training period when we were young, but as far as I can remember yes, we all worked together and got things done.  Again I owe it all to my parents, what a wonderful job they did.  I only hope I can teach my kids like they did.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


We have had the most mild winter I can ever remember living here  I know we are going to be hurting when it comes summer but I am really enjoying it. 
I love the SUN.  I crave it, literally crave it. As I was shopping I just stood in the parking lot with my face up to the sun and soaked it all in.  I could have stood there longer but I had kids in the car starting to lose their patience with me.  When I was little we had these big bay windows that let in the perfect amount of sun. I would be like a cat and just lay on the carpet in the suns rays letting it warm me up especially in the winter months.  I guess its hereditary because today I caught Peter laying on the floor in the sun.  I wanted to curl up and join him.  Then we went outside and I noticed Brennen basking in the sun with his face towards the sky soaking it all in, so the three of us sat on the stairs with our faces to the sun soaking up its goodness.  Oh it feels SO Good!!!

This warm weather we have been having helps me with my need to be outside because it is actually tolerable to be outside with such warm temperatures.  The other day my kids were inside with their faces plastered to one screen or another so I threatened them that if they didn't come outside and play I was going to make them clean the whole house.  That includes organizing the playroom (it has been well loved with all the parties and families over).  They begrudgingly came outside with ample complaints of why.  I just don't understand, when I was little we loved to be outside.  Outside we could run and yell and build stuff, go on scavenger hunts, bike, ride the go kart, or hike.  Okay I had an ideal place growing up where the mountains were my backyard, there was tons of stuff to do and tools and scrap to build with, and the only rule was to come home before dark. There was always some one to play with cause I have a big family and the neighborhood lived at our house. My parents were extra awesome.  Anyway once they got outside we had a blast.  We played freeze tag, survivor, and football, and it was so warm we didn't even need our jackets.


I bought this train set (a large tote worth) from a garage sale for William when he was very little, I want to say 2 maybe 3 years old.  He rarely touched it but I could never bear to give it away or sell it.  Now I know why.  I pulled it out of the toy room for preschool a few weeks ago and now my little boys play with it all the time.  They build their own little tracks or sometimes they build a huge track using all the pieces.  It can keep them occupied for hours.  I am grateful that I listened to that little voice that told me to keep it every time I was tempted to free my house of excess.

trash or treasure

For Christmas this year I did a lot of DI hunting.  Truthfully I love it, I love the hunt.  Its like treasure hunting to me.
So 90% of Christmas was wonderful finds at DI. You all know the saying, one mans trash is another mans treasure.  One of these finds was a football helmet.  Scott says I have to put a new team sticker on it because he doesn't like the broncos but the rest of us don't care.  This gift was for Brennen but Peter has claimed it as his own.  He wears it almost everyday.  He just looks so cute in this giant helmet with his little body (or I should probably say tiny body.  Peter loves things that are tiny.)  I have found quite a few items that were designated for one kids gets confiscated by another kid.  Either way I have gotten more than my moneys worth with he "new" toys.

Ellie the sculptor

Ellie's new favorite hobby is sculpting with clay.  She is always nagging me to go to Hobby Lobby to buy more clay.  Luckily she got a gift card for her birthday because I love her talent but I don't want to fund it.  She mostly remakes Disney characters and she is pretty good at it.  When she came up to me to ask what she should carve next I suggested a nativity scene.  I collect them.  I thought her rendition was so cute I have boxed it up to keep forever.


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