Here's our attempt at costumes this year. We had a ward party to head to. William is a knight (he wanted a horse too but that was too much to carry around so he settled for his jousting stick) Brennen's Dark Bader. his mask was bothersome so he chucked it. Literally. Ellie is Rapunzel. I literally made her hair about 30 min before the party but it made her really happy. Peter was determined to be a dog with a costume we already had so I was grateful for that. To go with it I was a dog catcher with a jumpsuit I bought at DI for $4 and I made a large logo for the back. Peter is holding my dog catcher net I made 5 min before the party. Scott showed up in his Batman costume.
The party was a little weak. Nothing like a Newhall 2nd Party. But it was there first and the YW/YM were in charge. That being said it was not too bad.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
You know that story of the pioneer lady who was starving and her daughter found a pie on the side of the trail? This story is kind of like that. My shower has been leaking and I have been meaning to get some silicone for it but I keep forgetting to get some. even though I would rather not spend money on things like that (yes I know it only costs $2.50, but we are on a STRICT budget).
Now back to the pie/silicone. I went out to bring in the garbage cans this morning and look what I found lying right there on the road. A brand new tube of silicone. I'm chalking it up to being blessed for honesty.
I went to the grocery store yesterday with a very specific list and all the allotted cash that I was to spend on groceries (A total of $145) As the cashier was swiping my groceries my eye was on the screen tallying up my total. I couldn't believe it. My total was $143.27 I was so thankful that I stayed on my budget. As I was loading my groceries in the car I took a minute to thank my heavenly Father and to look over my receipt. I noticed the cashier forgot to charge me for 2 cases of soda. It was then that I wrestled with my conscience. I could just pack up and go home with my 2 extra dollars or I could unbuckle my little boys and go back in the store to fix the error. I tried to reason that I could just pay for 2 cases next time I went shopping, but I knew I would never remember. SO.. . . I unbuckled my boys and headed back in the store. I told the cashier of our mix up and he gladly helped me make it right. It was more than $2, but I felt better that I was honest.
I am grateful for small miracles and blessings in my life. They are constant reminders that my Heavenly Father is always watching over me.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Mrs Fix It
Somehow I have become the designated house for the kids in the neighborhood. The kids do there homework here, they hang out, and yesterday they all brought their bikes over for me to fix them. I don't mind really I don't. I am actually glad that I am blessed enough to be home for these kids. (a lot of their moms have to work) with all this bike fixing I got really ambitious and thought. . . I could probably figure out how to fix my scooter. (anyone could be a mechanic right?) It has been making a really high pitched squeaking noise when ever I go faster than 5mph and the faster I go the louder it gets.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
It all started with the kids destroying my house and me trying to escape cleaning it. They wanted to go to D.I. a favorite of mine as well, but I knew if I went I would spend money and we are trying NOT to spend money. I was thinking it would be a perfect time to go take pictures in the mountains, however as we were trying to get ready to go everyone started fighting and I knew that it would not be a good photo shoot if we were already bickering. SO I bagged that idea and just decided to enjoy mother natures wonder. We just started driving with no place in mind and stopped at this gorgeous place. It was nice. I tried to teach the kids how to skip rocks (without much success.) The boys built little dams, and we just hiked around. We played with a fuzzy caterpillar. I pointed out lambs ear and taught them how it helps with stinging nettles. I kind of wish I had a better camera so I could capture how pretty everything really is.
I remember growing up we would often take drives up the mountains to see the colors and smell the trees I loved it then, and I love it now. I am so grateful I can take these times to show my kids this wonderful earth God created for us to enjoy, and enjoy it I will!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Too early
It started snowing! I mean really snowing, big fat floaty flakes. It is just the first week in October! I realized that I was moving to snow when I came here I just wasn't prepared for it to be so early. Although when I remember my childhood I remember lots of snow for Halloween. Its just a shock So what better way to spend a cold snowy day than do some good old fashioned canning. Now I am a little ashamed to say that I have never actually canned before. I remember helping my Mom can when I was little, and I remember preparing garden veggies for the freezer. but to say I have CANNED before, I have not. So my good sister who acquired some free peaches invited me over for a little canning frolic. This happen to be perfect because we just got done reading a book in book club about the Amish people and they have canning and quilting frolics, making me long for some of those good ol' fashioned homemaking skills.
It turns out that canning is really easy, just a little time and materials are needed, and now that I have my own cans it should be easy for next time. I do have to say they turned out beautiful.
Its amazing how something so little can cause so much damage. William is allergic to bee's. I didn't realize how bad it was until he was stung in the forehead. His poor face swelled up so badly he had comments of you look like; a badger, Lord Voldermort, a white Asian kid you get the idea. I felt so bad every time I saw him,and truthfully all I really kept thinking was good day picture day was yesterday. It took 4 days for the swelling to go down. Even though I immediately treated the sting. (The picture is of when he first started to swell up. It got a lot worse as the day went by.) Unfortunatley now he freaks our every time he see's a Bee
William after the sting |
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willilam before the sting |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
tomato, tomaato
We all know how Peter loves his woobie sometimes pronounced weebie. The other night I had my girls over during the priesthood conference. It was getting late and Peter was getting tired so he started asking for his weebie. My sister trying to help out innocently asks if I know where Peters weenie is? I could not suppress a boisterous laugh when I answered back. "It should be attatched!" With a confused look on her face I asked " You mean his WEEBIE?"
I am still chuckling as I write this down. I love how much I can laugh with my sisters.
I am still chuckling as I write this down. I love how much I can laugh with my sisters.
If they could just stay little
Brennens expression looks just like my dad in this pic |
My favorite time of year is here and I am so excited. I LOVE the fall. I love the smells, the colors, the food, the clothes, the weather. I just love everything about the fall. I love that I can leave my windows open all day and night to let that fresh air enter my house. I think most improtantly I love the fact that it is not too hot or cold to play outside. I had a couple of nephews over and all the boys just spent the whole time outside being boys. You know shooting guns and whatnot. I had to grab to camera and head out there to snap a few fun moments. I can't help but let my mind wander to when these little guys grow up and go on missions and start having little boys of their own. If they could just stay little.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
In my new ward I was called to primary AGAIN. I must have primary written on my head. At first all I could think of was. . . "again, what am I not learning that I need to be in primary again. I can do other things." For those of you who don't know I have been in primary since I was 18 with a 2 year break in Young Women's. I accepted the call because the Lord knows better than I do and if he wants me to serve in primary than that's where I'll be.
I have a challenging kid in my class who loves to try people. The presidency was worried, but I said go ahead and put him in I'll straighten him out. As we were doing our final practice for the annual primary program he was his usual self. It was his turn to say his part and he was causing a stink because he didn't know his part and he wanted to read it. I said NO the lady up by the mic would help him. He was NOT happy with that arrangement so in my frustration I said VERY sternly "Well you should have memorized it then!!" He had had ample time to do so with many reminders. He was shocked that I would use such a tone toward him. But I am happy to report the next day right before the program he came up to me and said triumphantly "Guess what? I memorized my part." To which I replied "Well good. That's what your supposed to do." I am happy to say he was a perfect angel the rest of the day in church. I am a firm believer that if you tell kids what you expect of them they will give it to you.
On another note, as I was sitting in the stand with my class while they were doing the primary program the spirit was so strong I couldn't help but think that primary is the place to be. Sure it can be stressful, and tiring, and frustrating, and tedious. But these kids need us more now than ever before. They are strong and have close relationships with our Heavenly Father so for now I will be content to be in primary
I have a challenging kid in my class who loves to try people. The presidency was worried, but I said go ahead and put him in I'll straighten him out. As we were doing our final practice for the annual primary program he was his usual self. It was his turn to say his part and he was causing a stink because he didn't know his part and he wanted to read it. I said NO the lady up by the mic would help him. He was NOT happy with that arrangement so in my frustration I said VERY sternly "Well you should have memorized it then!!" He had had ample time to do so with many reminders. He was shocked that I would use such a tone toward him. But I am happy to report the next day right before the program he came up to me and said triumphantly "Guess what? I memorized my part." To which I replied "Well good. That's what your supposed to do." I am happy to say he was a perfect angel the rest of the day in church. I am a firm believer that if you tell kids what you expect of them they will give it to you.
On another note, as I was sitting in the stand with my class while they were doing the primary program the spirit was so strong I couldn't help but think that primary is the place to be. Sure it can be stressful, and tiring, and frustrating, and tedious. But these kids need us more now than ever before. They are strong and have close relationships with our Heavenly Father so for now I will be content to be in primary
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