
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer Storms

One thing I didn't realize I missed was Summer Storms.  I remember when I was little we would get our suit on and play in the rain at the first sound of thunder.  When I was very little I used to be afraid of the deafening thunder until my wise mother told me it was just the angels bowling.  When we heard an especially loud crack that ment someone got a strike. My mother took us bowling often when we were young and we had so much fun that I rationalized angels need to have fun too so it must be true.
When I got older we would watch the storms from the front porch or from ontop of the garage that had a nice little eave over it to protect us from the rain.  I am  always amazed at the pure power of thunder and lightning. There is something scary yet exciting, and beautiful about a summer storm.  the way the air smells when it rains. I run to open all my windows when it rains to let that wonderful smell come in my home.  Last night we had a huge storm roll in.  The power in the storm made the hairs on my arms stand up.   This video just doesn't do it justice but you can get the idea.


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