
Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st day of school

We had our first day of school at a new school and my kids couldn't be more excited.  We live about 2 blocks from the school so our dreams of getting to ride the bus were thwarted.  However a new adventure of getting to ride bikes to school was within our reach.
Our first morning came with excitement in the air and children eager to get things started. EVERYONE wanted to ride bikes to school. Everyone including Brennen and Peter, which was fine except they are super s ..l...o.....w.  Ellie and Will had time to go back and forth 3 times before we got within site of the school.  We eventually got there and had just enough time to take a quick picture before they scampered off to new friends.

we did have a couple of disappointed little guys when Peter and Brennen found out they couldn't stay, luckily we were going to a cousins house right away to distract them from dwelling on the thought.
We are "Later Gators" so we don't go to school until 9am. At first I was thinking what a bummer that was going to be, then I realized I could get everyone ready, the house clean, family morning prayers AND have time for family scripture study, before the day got away from me.

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