
Saturday, August 27, 2011


For the 24th of July which is a bigger holiday than the 4th we had an  amazing firework show put on by my brother.  Now that aerials are legal in this fabulous state there were plenty of good fireworks to enjoy.  He used to do shows when we were younger that had a theme with action.  One time it was James Bond with a car chase, another time it was Indiana Jones complete with the arc of the covenant. One of my favorite was a civil war reenactment.

This year with the little time he had to prepare he did a great slide show that was projected onto a large white trailer and surround sound with inspirational music choreographed to the exciting lights. It had an emphasis on my Grandpa who was in World War II.  He was a photographer who would go behind enemy lines and take pictures of the layout of the camps, giving us the advantage. He also is the one who took the original photo of the soldiers raising the flag.   It was really great.  It felt like the fireworks were right on top of us they were all consuming.

We were all a little worried because it started raining at 7pm luckily the rain stopped just in time for the show. (sorry about the video quality it was shot with my phone)

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