
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Connection or Obsession

As most of you know Peter is a Daddy's boy!!!  All day long he walks around saying, "I want Daddy, where's Daddy?" Basically life is not complete unless Daddy is right by his side, he's a little obsessed.
The other day we were out running errands and it was time for lunch.  I wasn't planning on eating out, but the boys  were hungry and they had been good for me while I drove them all over.  We stop at a random fast food place, get our food and sit down to eat when Peter says, "Where's my Daddy?" I say like I often do, "He's at work today buddy."
Peter says "No, my daddy is coming HERE!" as points to the table at the restaurant.
"Sorry sweetie, Daddy is working now, we will see him tonight."
"NO MOM, my Daddy is coming HERE!!" (he was just so adamant about it.)
I didn't have it in me for an arguing session I just said "whatever dude"
So Peter started eating his lunch reminding us every few bites that his Daddy was coming to eat with him.
We were almost done with our lunch when who should walk in the door but. . . . . DADDY!  I was shocked. "what a great surprise," I said to Scott. "Peter said you were coming. He just knew it."
Peter gave me this look that said "See I told you my Dad was coming."
So then I had to fill Scott in on this amazing "coincidence" I  jokingly said "I think Peter as a GPS tracker on you. In reality I think this kid is just so connected to his daddy.

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