
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New House

The good new is that we finally moved into our new house, and I am proud to admit it is 99% put away and organized.  The house is more space than we need , however it is a possible buy out so I thought it would be great not to have to move again, and we couldn't beat the location.  It is right between the payson and Sandy offices. 


The house comes with a lot of extras. Extra rooms, extra space, an extra kitchen and even extra kids. apparently the whole neighborhood lives at this house.  Everyday there are kids knocking on the door to see if we can play. Its nice that there are built in friends here and my kids don't have to go looking for them.  Its also nice that I can keep an eye on everything they are doing.  We did have to put up a sign that say "The stringhams can't play until this sign is removed"
because one day I came out of my room in the morning and found 7 kids that weren't mine playing in the house.  Another extra is pets. All the neighbors have pets so the kids get their fill and don't ask for one of their own. My favorite extra is land.  This house is on a half acre so there is a great backyard!!!  You know me I love a great back yard. 
The bad new is with all this moving I broke my hand.  With all the moving of  boxes and heavy lifting and me trying to do it all myself. (I know its a flaw of mine) I created a few stress fractures. 
It all started with me smashing my hand while trying to carry a box a little too heavy for me, then me ignoring the pain and continuing to use it.  After a week of it not getting any better I finally went into urgent care where I was x-rayed and told the good news.  Now I have to go see the orthopedic specialist to make sure I didn't do any permanent damage.  Hopefully I get to stick with the brace and don't need a cast.  the Dr. instructed me to stop using my hand, but I am finding that almost impossible to do.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place! One story? Lucky! We'll have to visit you some time. All the best with that wrist.



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