
Thursday, August 11, 2011

foam day

 Foam Day was a fun new adventure.  In the city of  Lehi they have what it known as foam day.  Its free!!  And I am all about free.  Something the city puts on they have these special guns that just shoot out tons of foam.  They had an area roped off so they could build up the foam so that it went over my head.  They did have and area for the little ones so they wouldn't get trampled in the blinding foam. When there seemed to be enough foam they let us all in and just play in the foam till our hearts content.  The foam gun continually added to the foam pile.
It was interesting to see the kids reactions.  They either loved it or hated it.  My kids all loved it.  One of my nephews on the other hand seemed terrified, even when his dad was holding him. 
When you were all done with the foam they had fire trucks with their ladders elevated and hoses spraying down like a giant shower. ( The hoses were not anywhere near full power.  It was more like a really thick mist.)
They also had free watermelon and other arts and craft type booths.  It was all so much fun to swim in the foam.  I will defiantly be going again.

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